Monday, October 10, 2016

Stirrup Cup Wheat

A while ago, somebody asked for a suggestion for a beer for an English autumn hunt.  Which naturally, got my brain whirring.

Because you would be dealing with any kind of weather condition--but mainly cold and wet, it should probably be on the malty and warming side (so higher ABV), rather than bitter.  I wanted something which could also be drank warm, mulled or as butterbeer--bitter also precludes this.  On the other hand, it couldn't be sweet, since the beer also needed to be thirst quenching.  For some reason--not sure why--I decided to make it a wheat beer; possibly contrariness, since there are no English wheat styles.

Then I had another thought--the tradition of the stirrup cup, which is a beverage drank to warm during a hunt on horseback.  Often, this was a gin based liqueur flavoured with "hedge-fruits".  Which brings me to the flavourings--gin based, with locally harvested fruits; raspberry since I know it goes quite well with gin, highbush cranberries to fill out the raspberries, and a small amount of crabapples for tannins.

Originally, white sugar was going to be added as well to boost the ABV while keeping it from being sweeter, but I decided to leave it out--the fruits added enough sugar as well.

Type: All Grain
Batch Size: 4.00 gal
Boil Size: 5.18 gal
Boil Time: 60 min
End of Boil Vol: 4.43 gal
Final Bottling Vol: 4.00 gal
Fermentation: Ale, Two Stage
Date: 05 Oct 2016
Brewer: Brann
Asst Brewer:
Equipment: BIAB Full batch
Efficiency: 70.00 %
Est Mash Efficiency: 74.4 %
Amt Name Type # %/IBU
4 lbs 8.0 ozWhite Wheat Malt (2.4 SRM)Grain144.4 %
4 lbsOptic Malt (2.8 SRM)Grain239.5 %
8.0 ozBiscuit Malt (23.0 SRM)Grain34.9 %
8.0 ozCrystal 50/60 (55.0 SRM)Grain44.9 %
6.0 ozAcid Malt (3.0 SRM)Grain53.7 %
4.0 ozVienna Malt (3.5 SRM)Grain62.5 %
0.30 ozSorachi Ace [12.00 %] - Boil 60.0 minHop715.4 IBUs
0.20 ozFuggle [4.50 %] - Boil 25.0 minHop82.7 IBUs
0.20 ozSorachi Ace [12.00 %] - Boil 15.0 minHop95.1 IBUs
0.15 ozLicorice Root (Boil 10.0 mins)Spice10-
0.40 ozFuggle [4.50 %] - Boil 5.0 minHop111.5 IBUs
0.10 ozOrange Peel, Bitter (Boil 5.0 mins)Spice12-
30.30 ozCranberries, Highbush (Boil 0.0 mins)Flavor13-
20.00 ozRaspberries (Boil 0.0 mins)Flavor14-
10.00 ozCrabapple (Boil 0.0 mins)Other15-
1.0 pkgLondon ESB Ale (Wyeast Labs #1968) [124.21 ml]Yeast16-

Gravity, Alcohol Content and Color

Est Original Gravity: 1.067 SG
Est Final Gravity: 1.021 SG
Estimated Alcohol by Vol: 6.0 %
Bitterness: 24.7 IBUs
Est Color: 9.5 SRM
Measured Original Gravity: 1.076 SG
Measured Final Gravity: 1.010 SG
Actual Alcohol by Vol: 8.7 %
Calories: 256.6 kcal/12oz

Mash Profile

Mash Name: English Clarity Step
Sparge Water: 1.39 gal
Sparge Temperature: 168.0 F
Adjust Temp for Equipment: TRUE
Est Mash PH: 5.62
Measured Mash PH: 5.20
Total Grain Weight: 10 lbs 2.0 oz
Grain Temperature: 68.0 F
Tun Temperature: 72.0 F
Target Mash PH: 5.20
Mash Acid Addition:
Sparge Acid Addition:
Mash Steps
Name Description Step Temperature Step Time
ProteinaseAdd 12.15 qt of water at 145.4 F133.0 F20 min
Mash StepAdd 3.65 qt of water at 208.0 F148.0 F20 min
Sacc 2Decoct 1.84 qt of mash and boil it 154.0 F40 min
Sacc 3Decoct 2.03 qt of mash and boil it 160.0 F15 min

Sparge: Fly sparge with 1.39 gal water at 168.0 F
Mash Notes:

Carbonation and Storage

Carbonation Type: Bottle
Pressure/Weight: 2.76 oz
Keg/Bottling Temperature: 70.0 F
Fermentation: Ale, Two Stage
Volumes of CO2: 2.0
Carbonation Used: Bottle with 2.76 oz Honey
Age for: 30.00 days
Storage Temperature: 65.0 F


Created with BeerSmith

The fruits were cooked slightly in wort to cover, with a couple spoonfulls of pectinase, then run through a chinois to remove all the solids.  The juice was added to the wort at flameout.

10-8-16; OG 1.076.
Next day:  Good gods.  The krausen has filled the remaining headspace and is trying to escape.  Airlock has been removed, and the top loosely covered with foil for an open fermentation.

11-6-16; FG: 1.013.  Flavour is nice, with a slight tartness from the apple.  Racked.

© John Frey, 2016. The Author of this work retains full copyright for this material.  The recipes and other contents therein may not be used for any commercial purposes.

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